by Derek Joubert
Every so often a piece of writing manages to capture perfectly the magic of Africa and its wild places. We share here a piece penned by Dereck Joubert, renowned wildlife filmmaker and CEO of Great Plains Conservation. The scene is set at ol Donyo Lodge, located in over 111,000 hectares of private wilderness in the heart of the Chyulu Hills, between Kenya‘s Tsavo and Amboseli National Parks. We hope you enjoy this as much as we did:
“There is always a moment of sadness at the end of a safari. Cameras are usually the last to be packed, and a scramble to pack it all away.
Tonight, as I write this from ol Donyo Lodge, the first rains sprinkled the sunset. As we walked down to the waterhole in front of the lodge, expecting nothing but closure, a playful baboon troop played.
Without warning and from right behind the sunken hide, a male lion roared at the sunset as we enjoyed the scene. The giraffes just stared while three bull elephants came out to drink, ghosts in the twilight like giant sailing ships against the inky blue mountain behind them. And all this was happening just paces away from where we sat!
As the lion and elephant danced their tango, I fell in love again, appreciating life and the art of safari and recognising that it really does need to unfold, never rushed, repacked, and allowed to be just be what it is.
As soon as we allow that, we get the most from this incredible activity that places us close and in nature’s path in the most profound ways.
And that is why I’ll be back and why we want you back in Africa”.
Words: Dereck Joubert / Images: Great Plains Conservation
For inspiration on ways to experience the magic of Africa at ol Donyo:
Amboseli Luxury Fly-in at ol Donyo